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Sun, Nov 14, 21.

Mind in Greek NT

Nοῦς, nous, G3563

    1. Probably from the base of G1097; the intellect, that is, mind (divine or human; in thought, feeling, or will); by implication meaning: - mind, understanding. Compare G5590.
    2. The nous is one’s seat of knowledge
      1. God has a nous which no one knows—who has known the nous of the Lord [Rom 11:34; 1Co 2:16]
      2. Jesus educating his disciples was really increasing their knowledge [Luk 24:45]
    3. The nous is built up with knowledge/information
      1. We are to renew our nous [Rom 12:2; Eph 4:23]
  1. Conviction is of the nous
    1. Every man should be fully persuaded/convinced in his nous [Rom 14:5]
  2. The nous determines a man’s inclination
    1. God gave them a debased/reprobate nous [Rom 1:28]
    2. Corrupt nous [1Ti 6:5; 2Ti 3:8]
  3. Only with a renewed nous can we discern the will of God [Rom 12:2]
  1. The nous has power over a person
    1. Paul spoke of the law of nous[Rom 7:23] and ideally should have had power over his body but this was limited by the law of sin at work in his body [Rom 7:25]
  1. The nous of Gentiles (who are not Christians)is futile [Eph 4:17]

Διάνοια, dianoia, G1271:

    1. Derived from
      1. nous’ G3563 in combination with
      2. dia’ G1223.

Therefore, it is really “nous” extended.

  1. From G1223 and G3563; deep thought, properly the faculty (mind or its disposition), by implication its exercise: - imagination, mind, understanding.
  2. Love the Lord your God with all your dianoia [Mat 22:37; Mar 12:30; Luk 10:27]
  3. We were enemies of God in our mind before coming to Christ
    1. We were enemies of God in our dianoia [Col 1:21]
    2. Fulfilling the desire of the flesh and dianoia [Eph 2:3]
  4. The law of God is to be written on [Heb 8:10]/put into [Heb 10:16] our dianoia
  5. Gird the loin of your dianoia [1Pe 1:13]
  6. The Gentiles are darkened in their dianoia [Eph 4:18]
  7. Jesus gave us a dianoia o that we may know God [1Jn 5:20]
  8. Our dianoia is stirred up by remembrance [2Pe 3:1]
  9. God scattered the proud in the dianoia of their hearts [Luk 1:51]
  10. Νόημα, noēma, G3540
    1. From G3539; a perception, that is, purpose, or (by implication) the intellect, disposition, itself: - device, mind, thought.
      1. minds, 4—2Co 3:14, 2Co 4:4, 2Co 11:3, Php 4:7
      2. devices, 1—2Co 2:11
  11. thought, 1—2Co 10:5

Φρήν, phrēn, G5424

    1. It is basically thought or contemplation
    2. Phren (Ancient Greek: φρήν, romanized: phrēn, lit. 'mind'; plural phrenes, φρένες)is an Ancient Greek word for the location of thought or contemplationWikipedia
    3. It appears only in one verse in the New Testament where Paul speaks about not being children but men in phrēn [1Co 14:20] where in the KJV it is translated understanding. However, I would contend that it would be better translated as thought. That is, “In thought—the way you think about things—be men”. However, in the Septuagint, it appears many more times
      1. The adulterer lacks phrēn [Pro 6:32], i.e., the adulterer is thoughtless, not reflecting on the consequence of his adulteries
      2. A young man that lacks phrēn [Pro 7:7] and thus falls into the hands of an adulteress who deceives him with tempting words.
  1. A man without phrēn who makes fun of others is compared to one who is cautious, thoughtful [Pro 11:12]
  1. Men lacking in phrēn are pleasure seekers [Pro 12:11]
  2. Nebuchadnezzar’s heart was changed back from that of an animal [Dan 4:16] by the restoration of his phrēn to him [Dan 4:34,36]

Φρονέω, phroneō, G5426

    1. Derived from φρήν, phrēn, G5424
    2. From G5424; to exercise the mind, that is, entertain or have a sentiment or opinion; by implication to be (mentally) disposed (more or less earnestly in a certain direction); intensively to interest oneself in (with concern or obedience): - set the affection on, (be) care (-ful), (be like-, + be of one, + be of the same, + let this) mind (-ed, regard, savour, think.
    3. To set the mind on something
      1. They that are of the flesh phroneō the flesh [Rom 8:5]
      2. Setting the phroneō on high things [Rom 12:16]
  1. Setting the phroneō on the things of the world [Mat 16:23; Php 3:19]
  1. When Paul was a child, his phroneō was that of a child [1Co 13:11]
  2. With regard to agreement and unity
    1. This word was used a lot in Paul’s letter to the Philippians where he wanted them to be united.
    2. Have one phroneō [Php 2:2; 3:16]
    3. To set our phroneō on the same thing [Php 3:16]
  3. We should share the same phroneō that was in Christ [Php 2:5] which really was humility
  1. The church should share the same phroneō [Php 3:15]—our view of things should be the same
  2. To have the same phroneō toward one another as we have toward ourselves—autos [Rom 15:5] and this means that we will accept/receive one another just as Christ accepted/received us [Rom 15:7]. By this we will have the same passion and with one mouth glorify God [Rom 15:6].
    1. The Philippians resuming their phroneō for Paul meant that that again cared for him [Php 4:10]. Therefore, it can be spoken of in terms of love—what you phroneō you love. Your thoughts will serve what you love.
  3. Be of the same phroneō one towards another [Rom 12:16]—think equally of everyone, don’t estimate anyone greater than another. For this, you must not mind high things and by this you would be able to relate with men of low estate thus fostering and promoting love and unity in the church.
  1. To phroneō a day as more holy than others [Rom 14:6]

Σωφρονέω, sōphroneō, G4993

    1. From G4998; to be of sound mind, that is, sane, (figuratively) moderate: - be in right mind, be sober (minded), soberly.
      1. Sober—2Co 5:13, Tit 2:6, 1Pe 4:7
      2. Mind—Mar 5:15, Luk 8:35
  1. Right—Mar 5:15, Luk 8:35
  1. Minded—Tit 2:6
  2. Soberly—Rom 12:3

Φρόνημα, phronēma, G5427

    1. From G5426; (mental) inclination or purpose: - (be, + be carnally, + be spiritually) mind (-ed).
      1. mind, 2—Rom 8:7, Rom 8:27
      2. minded, 2—Rom 8:6
    2. ὑψηλοφρονέω, hupsēlophroneō, G5309
      1. From a compound of G5308 and G5424; to be lofty in mind, that is, arrogant: - be highminded.
        1. Highminded, 2—Rom 11:20, 1Ti 6:17
      2. ὁμόφρων, homophrōn, G3675
        1. From the base of G3674 and G5424; like minded, that is, harmonious: - of one mind.
          1. mind, 1—1Pe 3:8
          2. one, 1—1Pe 3:8

Θυμός, thumos, G2372

    1. Basically means “passion”, e.g., anger, wrath
    2. From G2380 (θύω, thuō—meaning “to rush”); passion (as if breathing hard): - fierceness, indignation, wrath. Compare G5590.
      1. wrath, 14
        1. Act 19:28 (2), Gal 5:20, Eph 4:31, Col 3:8, Heb 11:27, Rev 12:12, Rev 14:8, Rev 14:10, Rev 14:19, Rev 15:1, Rev 15:7, Rev 16:1, Rev 18:3
      2. fierceness, 2
        1. Rev 16:19, Rev 19:15
  1. wraths, 1
    1. 2Co 12:20
  2. ὁμοθυμαδόν, Homothumadon, G3661
    1. One accord (mind)
    2. Adverb from a compound of the base of G3674 (ὁμοῦ, homou—meaning “same”)and G2372 (θυμός, thumos—meaning “passion”); unanimously: - with one accord (mind).
  1. One passion in prayer and supplication to God (the church should pray with one accord)
    1. These all continued homothumadon in prayer and supplication [Act 1:14; 2:1]
      1. Must have been their daily unity in the temple [Act 2:46]
    2. They lifted up their voice to God homothumadon [Act 4:24] after the release of Peter and John
  2. Glorifying God with one mouth being of homothumadon [Rom 15:6]
  1. The mob attacked Steven homothumadon [Act 7:57]—their passion/anger was united against Steven
  2. The Samaritans Philip ministered to gave heed to his message homothumadon [Act 8:6]—with united devotion

Προθυμία, prothumia, G4288

    1. From G4289; predisposition, that is, alacrity: - forwardness of mind, readiness (of mind), ready (willing) mind.
      1. mind, 4—Act 17:11, 2Co 8:12, 2Co 8:19, 2Co 9:2
      2. readiness, 2—Act 17:11, 2Co 8:11
  1. forwardness, 1—2Co 9:2
  1. ready, 1—2Co 8:19
  2. willing, 1—2Co 8:12

Προθύμως, prothumōs, G4290

    1. mind, 1—1Pe 5:2

Βούλομαι, boulomai, G1014

    1. The will
      1. Will, 12—Mat 11:27, Luk 10:22, Joh 18:39, Act 18:15, 1Co 12:11, 1Ti 2:8, 1Ti 5:14, 1Ti 6:9, Tit_3:8, Jas 1:18, Jud 1:4-5 (2)
      2. Willing, 5—Mar 15:15, Act 27:42-43 (2), Heb 6:17, 2Pe 3:9
  1. Minded, 3—Mat_1:19, Act_27:39, 2Co_1:15
  1. Would, 2—2Jn_1:12, 3Jn_1:10
  2. Disposed, 1—Act 18:27
  3. Have, 1—Act 19:30
  4. Listeth, 1—Jas 3:4

Μιμνήσκω, mimnēskō, G3403

    1. A prolonged form of G3415 (from which some of the tenses are borrowed); to remind, that is, (middle voice) to recall to mind: - be mindful, remember.
      1. mindful, 3—2Ti 1:4, Heb 2:6, 2Pe 3:2
      2. remember, 1—Heb 13:2-3 (2)
    2. Μνημονεύω, mnēmoneuō, G3421
      1. From a derivative of G3420; to exercise memory, that is, recollect; by implication to punish; also to rehearse: - make mention, be mindful, remember.
        1. remember, 16—Mat 16:9, Mar 8:18, Luk 17:32, Joh 15:20, Joh 16:4, Act 20:31, Act 20:35, Eph 2:10-11 (2), Col 4:18, 1Th 2:9, 2Th 2:5, 2Ti 2:8, Heb 13:7, Rev 2:5, Rev 3:3
        2. made, 1—Heb 11:22
  1. mention, 1—Heb 11:22 (2)
  1. mindful, 1—Heb 11:15
  2. remembered, 1—Rev 18:5
  3. remembereth, 1—Joh 16:21
  4. remembering, 1—1Th 1:3

ἀναμιμνήσκω, anamimnēskō, G363

    1. From G303 and G3403; to remind; reflexively to recollect: - call to mind, (bring to, call to, put in), remember (-brance).
      1. remembrance, 3—1Co_4:17, 2Ti_1:6, Heb_10:32
      2. bring, 1—1Co_4:17
  1. call, 1—Heb_10:32
  1. called, 1—Mar_14:72
  2. calling, 1—Mar_11:21
  3. mind, 1—Mar_14:72
  4. remembereth, 1—2Co 7:15

ἐπαναμιμνήσκω, epanamimnēskō, G1878

    1. From G1909 and G363; to remind of: - put in mind.
      1. Putting you in mind, 1—Rom 15:15
    2. ὑπομιμνήσκω, hupomimnēskō, G5279
      1. From G5259 and G3403; to remind quietly, that is, suggest to the (middle voice, one’s own) memory: - put in mind, remember, bring to (put in) remembrance.
        1. put, 4—2Ti 2:14, Tit 3:1, 2Pe 1:12, Jud 1:5
        2. remembrance, 2—Joh 14:26, 2Ti 2:14
  1. bring, 1—Joh 14:26
  1. mind, 1—Tit 3:1
  2. putting, 1—2Pe 1:13
  3. remember, 1—3Jn 1:10
  4. remembered, 1—Luk 22:61

Διαλογίζομαι, dialogizomai, G1260

    1. From G1223 and G3049; to reckon thoroughly, that is, (generally) to deliberate (by reflection or discussion): - cast in mind, consider, dispute, muse, reason, think.
      1. reason, 5—Mar 2:8 (2), Mar 8:17, Luk 5:21-22 (2)
      2. reasoned, 5—Mat 16:7, Mat 21:25, Mar 2:8, Mar 8:16, Luk 20:14
  1. cast, 1—Luk 1:29
  1. consider, 1—Joh 11:50
  2. disputed, 1—Mar 9:33
  3. mused, 1—Luk 3:15
  4. thought, 1—Luk 12:17

Μετεωρίζω, meteōrizō, G3349

    1. From a compound of G3326 and a collateral form of G142 or perhaps rather of G109 (compare “meteor”); to raise in mid-air, that is, (figuratively) suspend (passively fluctuate or be anxious): - be of doubtful mind.
      1. doubtful, 1—Luk 12:29
    2. Ταπεινοφροσύνη, tapeinophrosunē, G5012
      1. From a compound of G5011 and the base of G5424; humiliation of mind, that is, modesty: - humbleness of mind, humility (of mind), lowliness (of mind).
        1. humility, 4—Act 20:19, Col 2:18, Col 2:23, 1Pe 5:5
        2. lowliness, 2—Php 2:2-3 (2)
  1. humbleness, 1—Col 3:12
  1. mind, 1—Php 2:3

Μεταβάλλω, metaballō, G3328

    1. From G3326 and G906; to throw over, that is, (middle voice, figuratively) to turn about in opinion: - change mind.
      1. Changed their minds [Act 28:6]
    2. ζῆλος, zēlos, G2205
      1. From G2204; properly heat, that is, (figuratively) “zeal” (in a favorable sense, ardor; in an unfavorable one, jealousy, as of a husband [figuratively of God], or an enemy, malice): - emulation, envy (-ing), fervent mind, indignation, jealousy, zeal.
        1. zeal, 6—Joh 2:17, Rom 10:2, 2Co 7:11, 2Co 9:2, Php 3:6, Col 4:13
        2. envying, 4—Rom 13:13 (2), 1Co 3:3, Jas 3:14, Jas 3:16
  1. indignation, 2—Act 5:16-17 (2), Heb 10:27
  1. emulations, 1—Gal 5:20
  2. envy, 1—Act 13:45
  3. envyings, 1—2Co 12:20
  4. jealousy, 1—2Co 11:2

Μνάομαι, mnaomai, G3415

    1. Middle voice of a derivative of G3306 or perhaps of the base of G3145 (through the idea of fixture in the mind or of mental grasp); to bear in mind, that is, recollect; by implication to reward or punish: - be mindful, remember, come (have) in remembrance. Compare G3403.
      1. remember, 9—Mat 27:63, Luk 1:72, Luk 16:25, Luk 23:42, Luk 24:6, 1Co 11:2, Heb 8:12, Jud 1:17 (2)
      2. remembered, 6—Mat 26:75, Luk 24:8, Joh 2:17, Joh 2:22, Act 11:16 (2)
  1. remembrance, 3—Luk 1:54, Act 10:31, Rev 16:19
  1. came, 1—Rev 16:19 (2)
  2. rememberest, 1—Mat 5:23

Σωφρονισμός, sōphronismos, G4995

    1. From G4994; discipline, that is, self control: - sound mind.
      1. mind, 1—2Ti 1:7
      2. sound, 1—2Ti 1:7
    2. Γνώμη, gnōmē, G1106
      1. From G1097; cognition, that is, (subjectively) opinion, or (objectively) resolve (counsel, consent, etc.): - advice, + agree, judgment, mind, purpose, will.
        1. judgment, 3—1Co 1:10, 1Co 7:25, 1Co 7:40
        2. mind, 2—Phm 1:14, Rev 17:13
  1. advice, 1—2Co 8:10
  1. agree, 1—Rev 17:17
  2. purposed, 1—Act 20:3
  3. will, 1—Rev 17:17
  4. Τυφόω, tuphoō, G5187

    1. highminded, 1—2Ti 3:4
    2. lifted, 1—1Ti 3:6
  5. pride, 1—1Ti 3:6
  1. proud, 1—1Ti 6:4
  2. smoking, 1—Mat 12:20

ἔννοια, ennoia, G1771

    1. From a compound of G1722 and G3563; thoughtfulness, that is, moral understanding: - intent, mind.
    2. Intents, 1—Heb 4:12
    3. mind, 1—1Pe 4:1